Andy Jackson – Just Add Light To Water

When George Brown, Andy’s trusted dive buddy called to say Andy had died unexpectedly, it was not just a shock, it was incomprehensible. It is hard to come to terms with the loss of such a dedicated, talented, generous and big hearted storyteller of the underwater world – and grasp the fact that he is no longer with us. He was in

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Planning locally for a sustainable fishery and globally for a sustainable Earth

I wrote the following in response to a question about killing seals in order to allow fish stocks to recover. The whole marine ecosystem evolved without humans in it.  Then we came along and began to alter it a few thousand years ago – then fifty years ago we began to obliterate and rearrange everything. It was

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Summer Isles an Untouched Wilderness?

Owen Paisley of Seasearch West has helped Sea Change enormously. This is his article in the Marine Conservation Society Magazine Summer 2019, about his experience.  He says “Its thriving, but it used to be so much healthier. Gone are the vast shoals of herring, horse mussels and flame shells.”   Read on from the link below.

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Raven: Our Guide to Creative Transformation and Humility in the Age of Planetary Disruption?

We all know of some of the tribes studied by anthropologists: Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau, Ojibwe, Tlingit, Anishinaabe, Navajo, Sioux, Kiowa, Amarak, Sami, Ainu, or Sanhaja – but they study other tribes too – cyclists, bikers, punk rock fans, medics, ecologists, groups bound together by kinship or interest – their stories and knowledge too often hidden from people outside

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The most important news humanity has ever received

George Monbiot called it “The most important news humanity has ever received” (but ignored). To ensure our Ministers are listening we include a large section of his Guardian article in our response to the Government’s invitation to join a national dialogue on our seas. What could be more important than the sea and life on Earth? With that

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Nature Scot (SNH’s) publication of our 2016 survey

Sea Change collaborated with the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation and to undergo a survey in 2016. The report on our Sea Change-SCFF-SubSea.TV survey is now completed and was published on Monday the 3rd of June 2019. Below is an extract referring to our part. (What the report does not flag up which interests us, is that our survey discovered a new-ish maerl bed

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Look This Salmon In the Eye Then Ask Your MSP to Ask Questions During the Parliamentary Debate on Salmon Farming (6th Feb 2019)

Look into the eye of a salmon, get eye to eye, then ask yourself, do you want this king of fish, this iconic species, this muscular adventurer of the high seas, so symbolic of the former magnificence of our oceans to become the stuff of myth?  Do we want our rivers leaping with these masterful silvery creatures to become a distant memory

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Over 40 Groups Ask First Minister, Will You Save Our Seas? She didn’t reply so we ask again…

This blog was first written in January 2019 a few weeks after a campaign was launched by 40 Groups to restore ‘Our’ Seas. This campaign began in OBAN in December 2018 in response to an illegal dredge incident in Gairloch protected area. A  letter was sent to the First Minister Nicola Sturgeon with a kind of manifesto – proposals which Sea Change hope

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Horse Island & The Pink Seaweed

Maerl the pink coral-like nobbly stuff is  precious. Sea Change, SCFF and SubSea.TV have collaborated on surveying Wester Ross Marine Protected Area since its creation in 2016. Our focus has largely been on surveying maerl because of its importance to commercial fisheries and the whole ecosystem. The film above was made as a collaboration between us, local fishermen, and Wild Fish groups who

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The Three Mile Limit

The Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation have a report sent to the Cabinet Secretary Fergus Ewing in May 2017 which outlines the case for better spatial management and even a modernised return of the 3 Mile Limit. Their report can be downloaded here: The aim of all fisheries management is to maintain a rich fishery

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