In celebration of Wester Ross MPA’s first Birthday on 23rd March 2017, Sea Change have made three films which share appreciation of the MPA and encourage support for its protection and recovery. The second film explains why Wester Ross Marine Protected Area is so special and why it needs protecting. The footage shows how the parts of
Happy Birthday Wester Ross Marine Protected Area – we love you!
We love Wester Ross MPA and it is shortly to have its first birthday on the 23rd of March 2017! To celebrate Sea Change have made three films to share our appreciation of the MPA and to encourage support for it’s protection and recovery. The first film gives people an underwater glimpse of the unique and
The Lost Birds of The Summer Isles
In his book ‘Island Years’[i] Frank Fraser Darling the ecologist and ornithologist recalls his life on The Summer Isles where in 1936 he counted and studied the birds he found there. He describes what he calls ‘the noise and abandon with it all, for the sea birds express their emotions with great intensity, and the
Shifting Baselines
The Ocean as it was a thousand years ago. My father told me how rich the sea was when he line fished from an open boat – the wonder he described seemed marvellous to me. He had studied marine biology so I spent my childhood in and on the water (mostly in it) looking for the
Seasearch & Dives of Discovery in the Summer Isles Archipelago (2017)
On March 23rd 2017, Wester Ross Marine Protected Area will have it’s first birthday! The network of MPAs are an historic turning point in Scotland – representing hope for our fragile blue planet, at least in this small corner of the world. Yet our ocean ecosystem is still under threat and the question Sea Change grapples with is
Scallop Divers are our Eyes
Please read an email written by a Highland scallop diver back in 2015 before the creation of Wester Ross Marine Protected Area. This is an eye witness account of the impact of dredgers in inshore waters as seen from a fishermen’s first hand account. The situation has moved on since then as Richard Lochhead, the former Minister responsible for MPAs, banned dredgers from Wester
More Jacques Cousteau’s please!
“The sea, the great unifier, is man’s only hope. Now, as never before, the old phrase has a literal meaning: we are all in the same boat.” Jacques Yves Cousteau, Oceanographer Cousteau’s TV series enthralled me as a child – so for those who share my nostalgia and would like to re-live the excitement of discovery on
The Accidental Environmentalist
Beatrice Brinkler would never have described herself as an environmentalist. She first starting looking after sick and injured animals over 30 years ago but she didn’t plan to set up The Highland Wildlife Hospital Trust and I doubt if she would have seen herself holding a banner in support of Marine Protection Areas at Holyrood
Alistair Sinclair of SCFF talks on reform (Autumn 2016)
Alistair Sinclair, the Chairman of the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation, (SCFF) is passionate about the potential for well managed low impact (creel and dive) fisheries to be the drivers for the regeneration of Scotland’s coastal communities. During the MPA debate he championed the cause for greater protection and better management of Scotland’s inshore waters and supported coastal community groups like Sea Change Wester
Our Bountiful Sea – The Story of Wester Ross MPA
Wester Ross Marine Protected Area was ratified by the Scottish Parliament on the 23rd of March 2016. Sea Change Wester Ross firmly believes in protecting and celebrating the wonderful species which live within it. Please see the film made for the National Trust for Scotland which tells the story of why the MPA was created. Some of our