Category: Our Responses to Government & Parliamentary Consultations

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The recent announcement from the High Ambition Coalition at the UNITED NATIONS that 30 percent of the High seas will be protected – is a story of hope that big changes are possible. We need that kind of High Ambition Courageous Coalition here in Scotland.  We wholeheartedly support the impulse motivating the HPMA policy: more

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Help Us Save the Recovery of our ‘Maerl’ Marine Protected Area from Fish Farm Expansions

If you care about the future of coastal communities, wild fish and habitat recovery then please read our letter to Ministers asking them to veto the CAR licence which the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) gave to Scottish Sea Farms so they can create a new salmon farm at Horse Island in the Summer Isles – WITHIN the Wester Ross Marine Protected Area

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The Blue Hope Alliance – Eyes Under Water in the North West

This story-blog is a celebration of seven years of discovery: an exploration of the beauty of the underwater world, as well as the first signs of recovery as parts of the marine protected area in Wester Ross begin to restore. Sadly our surveys also include the discovery of damage to this recovery too. For we also focus on

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The most important news humanity has ever received

George Monbiot called it “The most important news humanity has ever received” (but ignored). To ensure our Ministers are listening we include a large section of his Guardian article in our response to the Government’s invitation to join a national dialogue on our seas. What could be more important than the sea and life on Earth? With that

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To the REC Committee – stand your ground!

The following email was sent to Gail Ross MSP, Edward Mountain MSP and Maree Todd MSP on 23 November 2018 14:40 by Sara Nason as a personal appeal to the REC Committee in anticipation of their report on the Parliamentary Committee’s investigation into Salmon Farming which some say could be expected next week. Dear Gail and Edward,  Re the Rural

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Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee Salmon Farming in Scotland

The following submission to the REC Committee by Sara Nason a member of Sea Change in August 2018 is focused on  Salmon Farms in Wester Ross Marine Protected Area and how they might impact maerl.  Wester Ross is one out of just a handful of MPAs with complete all year around protection from dredgers and one

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Sea Change Wester Ross’s response to Marine Biopolymers Ltd Wild Seaweed Harvesting Scoping Report

Sea Change Wester Ross is a community marine think tank which includes scientists, fishermen, anglers, teachers and artists, as well as many other ordinary members of the community living around the shores of Wester Ross Marine Protected Area. There has been an enormous outcry against the idea of kelp dredging in Scottish waters (and particularly

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To the Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee (RECC) on Salmon Farming In Scotland

To consider the current state of the salmon industry in Scotland, identify opportunities for its future development and explore how the various fish health and environmental challenges it currently faces can be addressed. Response submitted by Sea Change Wester Ross to the committee on the 27th April 2017 (Please note the first section of this report summarises the

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