Sea Change collaborated with the Scottish Creel Fishermen’s Federation and to undergo a survey in 2016. The report on our Sea Change-SCFF-SubSea.TV survey is now completed and was published on Monday the 3rd of June 2019. Below is an extract referring to our part. (What the report does not flag up which interests us, is that our survey discovered a new-ish maerl bed in the Marine Protected Area (or at least a much more extensive one from previous survey markers). We also found a new species of anemone previously not reported in the area and helped map the condition of maerl and other habitats). We had fun too. The process of discovery continues and is reported in our later surveys…
Here’s the fuller research report published by Scottish Natural Heritage: “Moore, C.G. 2019. Biological analyses of underwater video from monitoring and research cruises in Lochs Ailort and Fyne, the Sounds of Barra and Mull, inner Moray Firth, off Wester Ross, Noss Head and Rattray Head, and around the Southern Trench in outer Moray Firth. Scottish Natural Heritage Research Report No.1085.”